List Functions in Python programming | Hands on coding

  • Python contains the following list functions.

  • It is used to get the numbers of elements in list.

print ("List elements : ", fruit_list)
#this line will print length of list
print("Length of list is ",len(fruit_list))
List elements :  ['Apple', 'Orange', 'Mango']
Length of list is  3
  • It is used to get maximum value from the list.
  • In case of string focus on ASCII value of first letter of list items.

print("Fruits list :",fruit_list)
print ("Max elements : ", max(fruit_list))

print("Animal list :",animal_list)
print ("Max elements : ", max(animal_list))

print("int list :",int_list)
print ("Max elements : ", max(int_list))

Fruits list : ['Apple', 'Orange', 'Mango']
Max elements :  Orange
Animal list : ['Zebra', 'Dog', 'Elephant']
Max elements :  Zebra
int list : [45, 85, 36]
Max elements :  85
  • It is used to get minimum value from the list.
  • In case of string focus on ASCII value of first letter of list items.

print("Fruits list :",fruit_list)
print ("Min elements : ", min(fruit_list))

print("Animal list :",animal_list)
print ("Min elements : ", min(animal_list))

print("int list :",int_list)
print ("Min elements : ", min(int_list))

Fruits list : ['Apple', 'Orange', 'Mango']
Min elements :  Apple
Animal list : ['Zebra', 'Dog', 'Elephant']
Min elements :  Dog
int list : [45, 85, 36]
Min elements :  36
  • It is used to convert sequence types (tuple) into list.

#tuple is created using parentheses
print("Tuple Items:",fruit_tuple)
#this line convert tuple into list
print("List Items :",fruit_list)
Tuple Items: ('Apple', 'Orange', 'Mango')
List Items : ['Apple', 'Orange', 'Mango']