User Input in Python


1.input() is a predefined function which is used to take user input in Python.

2.Default user input is of type string.

name=input("Enter your name:")
print("Your name:",name)
#Printing of data type of name
Enter your name: SUNAGAR
Your name: SUNAGAR
<class 'str'="">
""" is a predefined function which is used to convert string into integer.

#method 1
number=input("Enter any number:")
print("Type of number:",type(number))
#converting string into integer
print("Given Number:",num)
#Printing of data type of num
print("Type of number:",type(num))
Enter any number:206
Type of number: <class 'str'="">
Given Number: 208
Type of number: <class 'int'="">

#method 2
number=int(input("Enter any number:"))
print("Given Number:",number)
#Printing of data type of number
print("Type of number:",type(number))
Enter any number:205
Given Number: 205
Type of number: <class 'int'="">

1.float() is a predefined function which is used to convert string into float.

marks=float(input("Enter your marks:"))
print("Your Marks is:",marks)
#Printing of data type of marks
print("Type of number:",type(marks))
Enter your marks:94.5
Your Marks is: 94.5
Type of number: <class 'float'="">