Keywords in Java
In this section let's see about keywords in Java.
- what are keywords?
- List of keywords in java.
- The words which are pre-defined in the library can be called as, "keywords".
- The functionality of the keyword is also pre-defined.
- You cannot use Keyword as a variable, or function name ,or class name or as an any identifier.
- All keywords are in lower cases.
Here are the examples of keywords: int, float, char, void, main etc.
Let's have a look on list of keywords in Java
char | Default | instanceof | assert |
abstract | int | catch | continue |
double | finally | interface | class |
else | final | long | Const |
return | if | short | this |
strictfp | static | super | switch |
protected | case | try | native |
public | byte | transient | import |
while | synchronized | break | private |
boolean | package | volatile | throw |
throws | new |
Note; These are the keywords which we have on Java. You cannot use these words as variable. but if you want to use those as keyword, then make any modifications.
Examples; char cannot be used as variable, but Char can be used as variables.
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