GitHub is a vast platform for code hosting. It supports version controlling and collaboration.
It is an American company. It hosts the ASCII text file of your project within the kind of totally different programming languages and keeps track of the assorted changes created by programmers.
In this tutorial, we are going to learn GitHub necessities sort of a repository, branches, commits, pull requests, and more. Further, we are going to find out how to use GitHub and can produce our initial project thereon.
In this tutorial, we will learn GitHub essentials like a repository, branches, commits, pull requests, and more. Further, we will learn how to use GitHub and will create our first project on it.
Topics to Learn GitHub:
2. Create GitHub Account / GitHub login
4. GitHub Repository
5. GitHub Branches
6. Connect GitHub with your computer (GitHub desktop)
7. How to clone a GitHub project to PC
8. How to pull from GitHub
9. What is GitHub pull request
10. How to push to GitHub
11. GitHub fork
12. GitHub pages sites
13. GitHub Gists
14. GitHub Markdown
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