Introduction to JAVA

What is Java? 

Java is a general-purpose, high level, and object-oriented programming language. It was developed by “James Gosling”, at Sun Microsystems in the year of1995
History of Java;

  • In 1991, James Gosling and team started to work based on java for a client's set top box. 
  • In the year of 1995 the first version of java (java 1.0) was released.
  • The first name of java is “Oak” and next goes to “Green” and finally the JAVA name has arrived.
  • “Java” name indicates ‘Coffee Seed’.
Features of Java;

Platform Independent
Java is platform independent programming language, because you can run a java program on different kind of platform/operating systems such as Windows, and Linux operating system etc.
Object Oriented: 
Java supports the stricture of object-oriented programming; hence it is called as object oriented.
Java has high security as compared to other programming languages.
You can modify an application which will be developed in java as per user requirement. So, it can be called as flexible programming language.
If you have written a java program in one system, that can be run in any other system. In simple, you can transfer java program from one system to another system.
You can perform more than one task simultaneously in JAVA so it is called Multithreading.
Simple: Java language is very easy and simple to learn.
Application of Java;

  • JAVA is used to develop the Windows Applications.
  • Used to develop Web Application.
  • Develops Android/Mobile Application.
  • It can be used to develop Embedded System like, SIM card, Television etc.
  • Develops Scientific Application. example, MATLAB.
  • It can be used to develop Games.
  • It is used for Database Connectivity.
Why Java?

  • JAVA is very simple and easy to learn and it is powerful, secure and fast.
  • You can run java on different platforms for example Window, Linux,MAC etc.
  • JAVA is totally free and open source

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