Increment and Decrement Operators in C++

 Increment and Decrement Operators:

C++ also provides increment and decrement operators: ++ and -- respectively

  *Increment(++):Increments and value by 1


In increment operator again we have 2 types

  1.  Pre-Increment 
  2.  Post-Increment

Example :

 using namespace std;  
 int main()  
 int num=1;  

 Diffrence Between Pre-Increment and Post-Increment  :

* As name suggests Pre means it increments the value then assign and

* Post-increment means it assigns the value and increments 

Decrement Operator :

 Decreases it by 1

In decrement operator  also  we have 2 types

  1.  Pre-Decrement
  2.  Post-Decrement

Example :

 using namespace std;  
 int main()  
 int num=1;  

In Simple:


cout<<a++ -> First prints and then increment

cout<<a-- -->First prints and then decrement

cout<<++a -->First increment and then prints

cout<<--a -->First decrement and then prints

AUTHOR : Rakshit Joshi Linkedin Profile ]

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